How is everyone feeling about the possible re-opening of schools as early as 1st June?
I of course completely understand how important education is for children but I feel very anxious when I think about the children of family and friends, and my teacher friends, who may be going back to school. After all schools and nurseries were closed for a reason and I don't feel reassured that the associated risks have really been mitigated. I find comments suggesting that children are less likely to become 'severely ill' really upsetting because a) children have died from the coronavirus and b) even if they are not 'severely ill' themselves, they could make another family member, friend or teacher very, very ill and the consequences could be deadly. After all, we now know that ethnic minorities are most at risk. I just feel like the whole decision is being rushed and the lives of teachers, teaching assistants, children, their families etc is being put at risk as if they are expendable.
I also think it is shocking how teachers are being maligned for saying they do not think it is safe to go back to school yet. Teaching staff are generally overworked and underpaid and play such a crucial role. I know I wouldn't be where I am today without the wonderful educational experience and emotional support I was provided by my teachers. They live for our children so if they are sharing concerns, why are we not listening to them?
Lawyer specialising in Residential Development, Estate Management & General Infrastructure, and Co-Chair of Muslim Women's Network UK (All views & opinions expressed on MWN Hub are my own and unless expressly stated, should not be taken to represent the views of MWNUK)
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