Providing that you are a registered member of the MWN Hub you are allowed to submit the following content, which will be subject to approval:
You may want to share an announcement, wish to disseminate information e.g. links to reports launched or call outs for research and surveys etc.
You can share details of your upcoming events on the UK. You will need to ensure you add the date, how to register and contact information should people have enquiries.
You can advertise jobs in the UK - however, we may ask further questions to verify information provided
You can buy and sell products and services in the UK. However, MWN Hub is not responsible or liable for products and services sold via the platform.
You are able to write a spotlight highlighting the work of a charity, not-for-profit organisation or community group in the UK provided that you are affiliated to it and have the expression permission of the organisation to write, and have a piece published, on their behalf. By submitting a blog about another organisation, you will be confirming to us that you have such authority.
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