
MWN TV content produced by Muslim Women's Network UK
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Baroness Gohir on Tackling Domestic Abuse

Baroness Gohir questions the government's promise to reduce domestic as their budget shows no funding towards the issue.


Baroness Gohir on Tackling Domestic Abuse

Baroness Gohir questions the government's promise to reduce domestic abuse as their budget shows no funding towards it. She addresses issues such as domestic homicide rates, spiritual abuse and transnational abandonment.



Baroness Gohir highlights the issue of sexually explicit audio abuse and asks for the law to be amended to address this.

Baroness Gohir questions the government's promise to reduce domestic as their budget shows no funding towards the issue.

Sky News reports on Muslim women’s safety in light of UK riots and following MWNUK survey results.

Shameem Hussain sat with Sariya Cheruvalil-Contractor & Jamie Gilham to discuss their newly released book!

Dr Iram Sattar MBE (GP & MWNUK Co-Chair) shares the story of Farhan, her brother.

MWNUK want to see actions in every area of life so that Muslim women and girls are able to enjoy their full rights.


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Dr Iram Sattar MBE (GP & MWNUK Co-Chair) shares the story of Farhan, her brother.

Baroness Shaista Gohir OBE (MWNUK CEO) discusses the launch and purpose of Muslim Heritage Month!

It was Muslim Women’s Network UK’s anniversary on the 6th May 2023!


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We hosted an informative webinar with guest speakers who discussed their own experiences with organ donation.

MWNUK hosted an online talk on "Islam & Organ Donation - Muslim women share their experiences" on 22nd November 2023.

Khudeja Sattar discusses the importance of caring for your wellbeing in a holistic way.


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A vigil was held on the 2nd September 2022 in remembrance of Fawziyah Javed who tragically died the year before.

***T/W*** This videos highlights femicide victims from South Asian, Arab, Black and other ethnic minority communities.

In 2020, The Centre for Social Justice launched an inquiry on child sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse.


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MWNUK want to see actions in every area of life so that Muslim women and girls are able to enjoy their full rights.

Watch this video to find out if your Muslim marriage is legally recognised, and how this can affect your rights.

March of The Mummies is a national protest to demand Government reform on: childcare, parental leave and flexible working.


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Baroness Gohir spoke in the House of Lords regarding her concerns about politicians misusing the new definition of extremism.

On International Women’s Day our CEO Baroness Shaista Gohir spoke during the House of Lords debate on economic inclusion.

Baroness Gohir spoke about the health inequalities faced by minority ethnic women, particularly regarding maternity care.


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This video explains how Muslim women are reviving long-lost traditions of reciting the Quran in public.

Interview with Zainah Anwar, the superstar in the world of Muslim feminism (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).

This is part one of two where she shares her journey into Islamic feminism.


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Shameem Hussain sat with Sariya Cheruvalil-Contractor & Jamie Gilham to discuss their newly released book!

Faeeza Vaid speaks to Henrietta Szovati (Author and Coach) about the forgotten Muslim women in history.

A poem recited by male youth champion, Nazeya Yafai in Arabic / English about female genital mutilation.


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Panellists in the seminar discuss insights from ‘Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws’

New women led not for profit organisation launches in Muslim charity sector.


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Duniya Bibi, a 58-year-old tribal Pakistani woman just won a local council seat in Pakistan.

Wonderful to see women of colour from around the world breaking barriers 👏

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