MWNUK have launched The Muslim Women’s Manifesto! Download your copy here
You can live anywhere in the world to contribute with videos but must be a member of the MWN Hub. If you are not a member, simply register on the platform, which is free and create a profile and then send us your ideas via email on contact@mwnhub.comand title the email ‘Video Contribution Idea.’ Only record a piece for us once we have agreed that we will accept your idea. We don’t want you to create unnecessarily work if we do not accept the idea. However, if you have already created a piece and would like to add it to our platform, then you can tell us about it and send us a link to you video.
You can submit content on any subject in your videos providing you adhere to the platform’s terms and conditions. Examples of type of video content you could produce (although not an exhaustive list) includes:
Piece to camera (3-10 minutes) such as:
Facts on an issue
Tips, advice or guidance on a topic
Review e.g. book or film etc
Opinion on an issue
Interview with another person (This may be 10 – 30 minutes). If it is longer we may need to split the interview into more than one part.
Discussion, which may involve more than one person. Ideally the discussion should not involve more than 4-5 people.
Song or music – you may wish to record yourself singing or playing an instrument
Spoken word – you may wish to recite a poem or spoken word piece
Documentary – you could create a short documentary to highlight an issue
Film – you could create a short film or drama to practice your film making skills