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Emotional Wellbeing

Two perimenopausal Muslim women anonymously wrote to MWN Hub sharing their experiences – their letters call to owning your menopause!

One woman's journey in overcoming postpartum psychosis with insights on what it is like to experience this illness.

The Amal app aims to offer hope so that women can feel empowered by seeking help and knowledge that is vital in breaking the cycle of abuse.

Embarking on a marathon in Snowdonia was the catalyst for a remarkable journey that transformed my relationship with nature...

A poem for World Friendship Day written by an anonymous Muslim woman.

Sarah Javid kindly agreed to do a Q&A with us so we could find out more about the journey of Cycle Sisters!

As a Muslim parent, I know the struggle of finding engaging resources that celebrate our children's identities…

Author Nabeelah Niaz shares her personal story and writing journey behind her new Islamic self-development book 'Sha'ban, Ramadan, Shawwal'.

A poem about a Muslim girl's journey in re-writing the rules

It is important for Muslim girls/teens to be aware of toxic relationships with parents, boyfriends and friends!

New Economics Foundation (NEF) had predicted in May 2022 that ethnic minorities will be hit the hardest by the cost-of-living crisis…

I thought I would share some of my goals for the new year as a Muslim woman, particularly focusing on spiritual wellbeing and Islam.

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Unfortunately, we cannot escape stress, but there are a lot of things we can do to help manage it!

Sharing my experience about being suicidal - the thought process, challenge this thinking, moments and when I didn’t realise I needed help.

Friends are the family you choose. As adults, we need to decide who fits into our lives and who is right for us, emotionally…

Approaching and during Ramadan, I realise how in need I am of a spiritual reset to nourish my mind, body, and soul...

This poem talks about the reality we have created online via filters and how we all want to look like each other.

The number of times the Helpline was contacted via phone, text, email or webchat rose from over 3000 times (2020) to 4000 times in 2021.

This article is my dedication to those warriors who fight depression every day. You are strong! You are the strongest!

Is there pressure on new mothers to exclusively breastfeed and how realistic are these expectations?

Asma worked with Sangini to combat loneliness and anxiety during Covid; find out more about this incredible community development worker.

My experience of being a Muslim girl in the UK Foster care system and how I found peace in Islam.

Roohia shares her experience of being mentored by artist Padma Rao and working with community groups to produce an exhibition of Islamic Art

Making mental health first aid a part of regular first-aid training requirements is critical for mental health support in the workplace

Parvin talks about her life as an artist; her latest work will be part of the Srijoni Exhibition at Arts Centre Washington from 18 May 2021

This is my story entailing my experience as a first time mum with acute postpartum depression and anxiety.

While it is openly addressed that those who are not physically fit, should not fast, Muslims with poor mental health are often overlooked.

MWN Hub decided to interview one of the many inspirational Muslim female doctors who has been treating COVID-19 patients in hospital.

Even in 2020 I find myself stuck at the same crossroads I found myself at ten years ago when I began to come out.

I’m here to tell you that, single or not, the most important form of love is self-love!

2010 - this was the year my life turned upside down and I didn’t even know it, nor would I for the next eight years.

This pregnancy complication characterised by an extreme form of sickness can be a horrific, lonely experience, but more support is available

Life can be so beautiful if we allow ourselves to believe we deserve happiness. Do what you love, smile more and be kind to yourself.

A poem about family abuse, written by a victim and survivor of domestic abuse.

I have written an article on hope; I hope the reader will benefit and share with those that need some hope in their lives.

Alcohol addiction may be a response to increasing levels of domestic abuse and it is probably being used as a coping mechanism.


Any views and opinions expressed within these blogs are those solely of the contributor and should not to be taken to be the views of the MWN Hub. Any references to, or mention of, any individuals or organisations should not be taken as an endorsement by MWN Hub of the aforesaid.


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